Kristín Eiríksdóttir

Kristín Eiríksdóttir (* 1981 in Iceland) graduated from the Icelandic Academy of Arts in 2005 with a B. A. in Fine Art. So far she has published three volumes of poetry: KJÖTBÆRINN (FLEISCHSTADT, 2004), HÚÐLIT AUÐNIN (HAUTFARBENE WÜSTE, 2007) and ANNARSKONAR SÆLA (EINE ANDERE ART VON GLÜCK, 2008), the short prose volume DORIS DEYR (DORIS DIES, 2010), and the novel HVÍTFELD – FJÖLSKYLDUSAGA (WHITE COAT – A FAMILY STORY, 2012). Together with Kari Ósk Grétudóttir, Kristín wrote the play KARMA FYRIR FUGLA (KARMA FOR BIRDS), which was performed at the Icelandic National Theatre in 2013 and nominated for the Gríman – Iceland’s award for the best play of the year. In the same year, her one-act play SKRÍDDU (KRAUL) was staged by Reykjavík’s City Theater.

Kristín Eiríksdóttir is one of the authors of the project VÖLKERSCHLACHTEN.