at fringe writers

Under the label fringe writers, the fringe ensemble initiates authors’ theater projects and realizes them in various constellations of authors and ensemble. Since its inception, the fringe ensemble has been known for working with texts and play scripts that are created through collaborative processes.

For several years, the ensemble has been deepening this work with an international orientation, bringing together authors from Germany, Denmark, Latvia, Russia, Italy, France, Croatia, the Netherlands, Turkey, Austria and Burkina Faso for concrete theater projects.

For each project, the authors involved meet with the ensemble in advance for a workshop in which they develop a basic understanding of the working method and content.

Depending on the individual project, the resulting texts are developed as classical commissioned works, as work-in-progress during rehearsals, or as real-time performances.

The resulting theater productions create one thing above all: a multi-layered, European, even contradictory view of a particular theme or story.

Through fringe writers, vital exchanges emerge, international relationships and networks develop as a matter of course.

fringe writers stands for young and individual texts, for unusual work scenarios, for daring experiments. It stands for a diversity of perspectives, languages, ways of expression and thinking. And ultimately it stands for the understanding of a Europe in which art and culture create connections and different cultures do not take up incompatible positions next to each other.

Here you can find out about the current and planned projects – or take a look at the productions created in cooperation with authors since 2001. In addition, some of the texts are available for download.

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Here you can read what some of the authors have to say about their work in the context of
the fringe writers say:

Ivo Briedis (LV)
My experience as a fringe-writer tells me that during those years I’ve been in artistic territories I would probably never visited. Fringe set the destinations but how to get there is up to yourself, just take us all further, through any path. This is very demanding yet exciting approach and very much about mutual trust. Fringe-writing as trailblazing.

Jens-Martin Eriksen (DK)
It’s been a great and inspiring experience to participate in the fringe-projects meeting other writers and the people from the fringe-group in Bonn. International workshops of this kind are rare. In both cases I have participated in the frame for the project was a defined concept, so each writher had already made up their mind in what way and from what angle their contribution to the story could be told. Through daily readings and discussions and evaluations we found the “fil rouge” and reached the overall story. Be it a German post-war story or intent to bring to life the new forms of conflict and challenges in Europe there was something great about the fact that you work with people from another cultural context in the search to try to find out where we are now and what is going on.

Goran Ferčec (HR)
Opportunity to collaborate with the fringe ensemble helped me to experience new methods in writing procedures. Being the part of group performing apparatus gave me new insight into the text writing dynamics, by text being performed the same day it was written. Group working sessions with other theatre makers helped me to understand my text as an open source, as a work constantly open for further development, making it possible to re-writing and reinventing it. Apart from creating the specific environment for collaborative working, fringe ensemble introduced me with other authors and showed me that different authors’ poetics can work together as an integral and theatrical piece with clear political and critical statement.

Alexander Molchanov (RU)
Participation in the fringe-witers’ projects is very exciting experience. Writers are autistic introverts, our business is to sit in the ivory tower and put letters into words. But to have a possibility to sneak out of this tower and to see how the others are living is highly important for every writer. Communication with colleagues, exchange of experience, learning other languages and culture, synergy which charges with energy new ideas – this is priceless.

Участие в проектах fringe-writers – это очень волнующий опыт. Писатели – люди интравертные и аутичные. Наше дело – сидеть в нашей башне из слоновой кости и складывать буковки в слова. Тем более важна для каждого писателя возможность вылезть из этой башни и посмотреть на то, как живут другие люди. Общение с коллегами, обмен опытом, изучение чужого языка и чужой культуры, синергия, из которая заряжает энергией новые идеи – это бесценно.

Marie Nimier (FR)
Writing about subjects I’m not familiar with, for actors I’m just becoming familiar with, and in exchange with other writers, it’s an enriching and heartwarming experience. Being connected through words, concerns, obsessions, that is another way of being in the world. Writing is a solitary affair – with fringe writers I feel more awake, more alert. I’m discovering other ways of working, sharing, staging. By giving up my usual view, I learn new ways of being creative in community. And it is true: not one over the other, but one with the other. A path of solidarity against intolerance and fatalism.

Ecrire sur des sujets qui ne me sont pas familiers, pour des comédiens qui commencent à l’être (familiers), et en résonance avec d’autres auteurs, est une expérience enrichissante et chaleureuse. C’est une façon différente d’être au monde, reliés par des mots, des inquiétudes, des obsessions. L’écriture est un acte solitaire – avec les fringe writers, je me sens plus réveillée, plus attentive. Je découvre d’autres façons de travailler, de partager, de mettre en scène. J’apprends, en me détournant de mon regard habituel, de nouvelles façons d’être ensemble et de créer. Non pas les uns sur les autres, mais les uns avec les autres. Une chaîne solide contre l’intolérance et la fatalité.

Andreas Vonder (NL)
Every theatrical performance is the result of an expedition, a series of attempts and failures, a journey where the destination is not on the map. Exploring New Land is the goal. The ambition and the duty of every writer (and artist) is, to discover new land, new countries and demonstrate the journey by showing the public a mirror or shining a light on topics that are hidden in our collective shadow. To undertake such a journey you need time, financial resources and a good fellowship. Fringe Writers facilitated some of my most important expedition , my journey and ensured the best travel companion that I could wish for.

Iedere theatervoorstelling is het resultaat is van een expeditie, een aaneenschakeling van pogingen, een ontdekkingsreis waarbij de bestemming niet op de kaart staat. Nieuw land. Het is de ambitie en de plicht van iedere schrijver, iedere kunstenaar nieuw land te ontdekken en dit nieuwe land vervolgens aan het publiek te tonen door haar een spiegel voor te houden of met een lamp te schijnen op onderwerpen die in onze collectieve schaduw verborgen zijn. Om zo’n reis te kunnen ondernemen heb je tijd nodig, financiële middelen en een goed reisgezelschap. Fringe Writers heeft mijn schrijf expeditie, mijn reis meerdere malen gefaciliteerd en gezorgd voor het beste reisgezelschap dat ik mij wensen kon.