Julia Holewińska, born in Warsaw in 1983, is a playwright, essayist, and dramaturg. She studied theater at the Theater Academy in Warsaw, where she is currently pursuing her doctorate. Her plays include “12/70,” “Bubble Revolution,” “Vaudeville and Zina,” among others. For her text “Ciała obce – Strange Bodies” she received the Gdynia Playwrights’ Prize in 2010, the most important award for young playwrights in Poland. In February 2012 Ciała obce – Fremde Körper premiered at Teatr Wybrzeże in Gdansk and was invited to the Berlin Stückemarkt in May 2012. Her texts have been translated into English, Russian and Spanish, among others. Julia Holewińska publishes articles in the important Polish cultural magazines, received various scholarships and participated in international writers’ meetings, including the L’Obrador d’Estiu in Barcelona. Holewińska lives and works in Warsaw.
NIEMANDS LAND / ZIEMIA NICZYJA is her first work for the fringe writers label.